Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brie Bites

2 sheets puff pastry, thawed but still cold
1/2 wedge of brie, cold
1/3 cup cherry jam (or any flavor you fancy!)
1 large egg, beaten
splash of milk

Recipe as Written (but not exactly what I did)
Store bought puff pastry usually comes frozen and folded into thirds. We’re going to use these folded thirds to our advantage. Cut the puff pastry into thirds along the creases. Cut each panel into four pieces. They’ll be 2 1/4-inch tall and 3-inches wide. One sheet of puff pastry will yield 12 rectangles. Cut each rectangle in half. You’ll have 24 little rectangles that will create 12 little rectangle pockets.
Combine beaten egg and splash of milk. Brush 12 of the small rectangles with egg wash. If you’d like to make brie bites on sticks, now is the time! Place a popsicle stick halfway up the puff pastry and press in gently. Place a small sliver of brie (rind and all) on top of the egg wash (and stick). Top with about 1/2 teaspoon of cherry jam. Take another square of puff pastry and press between your fingers to make the rectangle slightly bigger. Place puff pastry on top of the cheese and jam. Use a fork to press the edges together. The egg wash will act as a glue. Make sure to seal the edges well by crimping with the fork.
Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place prepared brie bites on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush with egg wash. Sprinkle with a touch of coarsely ground sea salt. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.
Brie bites are best served warm, but are also delicious at room temperature.

~Source – Pinterest via Joy the Baker

Patti’s Notes: Okay, I used this more like a pattern than a recipe.  I didn’t add milk to the beaten egg, I don’t think it’s necessary.  I didn’t use the popsicle sticks.  I used French Strawberry Jam because Frenchy Momma had just brought a jar from France for my sister.  Next time I’ll try Fig Jam.  I think fig goes great with Brie.  I did not egg wash the inside of the puff pastry.  I only used the egg wash on top to make the pastry brown and shiny. I didn't add the salt ground sea salt (I forgot but it really didn't need it so that was okay). 
The author says let cool, best served warm or room temp.  I disagree.  I like them hot (being careful not to burn your mouth because you can’t wait to try them straight out of the oven).  Room temperature was okay but not as good as when they were still hot/warm.  That being said, next time I will use my pizza stone so they will stay hot while being served. 

Tip of the Day:  Keep one sheet of puff pastry in the refrigerator while you are preparing the other.  You want it to stay cold because if the butter starts to melt it won’t “puff” as well.  I assembled one sheet, put it in the oven and started the second sheet. 
Heath-O-Meter: These do not rate very high in the Healthy Appetizer Department.

Easy Meter: It’s time consuming but not difficult.  As you can see it's also a bit messy!